Good News – We Can Sing
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
It has been a long time of making frequent adjustments to our worship patterns since the beginning of the Pandemic. With the growing number of people being vaccinated, frequent testing and infection and case numbers slowly going down, we have been given the green light by the Diocese of Maryland to begin singing in church again while still observing certain mitigation efforts. Starting this Sunday, October 24, Morning Prayer will feature our singing a hymn before the sermon and a hymn at the end of the service.
The mitigation efforts that will be in place are similar to what we currently use:
- Everyone in church will still be required to wear a mask. You can purchase off of the internet devices that fit in the mask such as the 3D Mask Bracket or Hive that makes breathing, speaking and singing much easier. There are also masks made specifically for singing available through several retailers such as Gator Cases.
- Social Distancing of six-feet or more is recommended.
- Limit singing to one or two hymns, and not sing all the verses of every hymn.
- Have windows open for better air circulation.
- Have the singing during the latter half of the service.
- Continue to limit the service to 45-60 minutes, which may mean cutting some parts of the service out for now.
- Unvaccinated individuals will be more at risk with singing and should consider watching the Live Stream service until such time they are fully vaccinated or life returns to some version of “normal.’’
- As always, if you are not feeling well, it is prudent to stay home and watch the Live Stream.
On Sundays when we celebrate the Holy Eucharist (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th Sundays) we will begin to experiment with ways to come forward for Communion. We will start by lining up in the center aisle six-feet apart, come forward, stop at the place marked on the floor, and the wafer will be dropped into your outstretched hands as is our current practice. Then return via the outer aisles to your place for a final Hymn, Blessing and Dismissal.
I thank everyone who has made it possible for us to be back in church with one another, and those who faithfully watch our Live Stream worship. A reminder: We still offer Daily Noonday Prayer live streamed Monday – Friday beginning at 11:55am EDT. This includes Bible Study and other resources to enrich our journey together in Christ.
It was announced last week that 100% of the active clergy in the Diocese are fully vaccinated. And personally, I get myself tested whenever I have been exposed to small crowds of people outside Christ Church and my immediate family. Remember: the more people who are vaccinated reduces the opportunity for the virus to mutate and get stronger, and brings us closer to controlling the spread of the Pandemic. We will get through this together!
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Kirk Kubicek, Priest in Charge
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